LBC Tracking is an online tool that helps you track and trace your packages. Please note that LBC Tracking (lbctracking.net) is not an official tool by LBC Express and has no affiliation whatsoever with LBC Express. However, all information you get from our tracking tool is 100% accurate since the data is directly fetched from LBC Express.
On our website, you can also find valuable information on the various offerings that LBC Express provides, such as LBC Rush, LBC Money Transfer, LBC Balikbayan Box, LBC Sakto Pak, and more. We often include the voice of the customer by attaching relevant social media posts in our posts. Ultimately, we want to bring value to you as a visitor to our website and want you to have the best experience possible.
If you have any questions about our website or want to reach out, please use the following email: [email protected]. We will try our best to respond to your queries as soon as possible.
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Thank you so much for using LBCTracking.net. Your support means a lot to us, and we sincerely look forward to serving you again.